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Fey Berman

New York/Mexico City
Manuscript Seminar in English

Geri Smith

Washington, DC
Manuscript Seminar with Elizabeth Rosner

Ali Sargent

Mexico City – London
Literary Launchpad with Tim MacGabhann

Ana Díaz

Medellín, Colombia – Boynton Beach, Florida
Fiction with Alberto Chimal

Daniel Escoto

Mexico City, Mexico
Manuscript Seminar with Verónica Murguía

Daniela Armijo

Quintana Roo, Mexico
Manuscript Seminar with Verónica Murguía

Ebti Numari

Brooklyn, New York
Journalism with Tyrone Beason and Alicia Quiñones

Emily Withnall

Missoula, Montana
Journalism with Tyrone Beason and Alicia Quiñones

Engeli Haupt

Valle de Bravo, Mexico – South Africa
Writing of Witness with Elizabeth Rosner

Janet Dawson

Tepoztlán, Mexico & Toronto, Canada
Literary Launchpad with Tim MacGabhann

Marissa Revilla

San Crístobal, Chiapas, Mexico
Journalism with Tyrone Beason and Alicia Quiñones

Mariya Taher

Boston, Massachusetts
Manuscript Seminar with Aysegül Savaş

Mauricio Ruiz

Mexico City – Brussels
Manuscript Seminar with Aysegül Savaş

Nancy Foley

Hood River, Oregon
Manuscript Seminar with Ayşegül Savaş

Nivea Castro

New York & Georgia, US
Literary Launchpad with Tim MacGabhann

Ruy Feben

Mexico City, Mexico
Manuscript Seminar with Verónica Murguía

Sindy Nanclares

New York/Medellín, Colombia
Journalism with Tyrone Beason and Alicia Quiñones

Susana Marcelo

Los Angeles, California
Writing of Witness with Elizabeth Rosner

Agustín Ávila

Cuernavaca, Mexico
Journalism of Witness with Alfredo Corchado & Angela Kocherga

Alex Jennings

New Orleans, Louisiana
Writing with Wonder with Sheree Renée Thomas

Jonathan Levi

Author of the novels Septimania and A Guide for the Perplexed.

August Tarrier

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Literary Launchpad with Tim MacGabhann

Dawn Post

Brooklyn, NY (Park Slope)
Writing of Witness with Elizabeth Rosner

Ellen Jones

Mexico City/UK
Literary Launchpad with Tim MacGabhann

Engeli Haupt

Valle de Bravo, Mexico
Literary Launchpad with Tim MacGabhann

Gabriel Sandoval

Queens, New York
Journalism of Witness, with Alfredo Corchado and Angela Kocherga

Karla María Gutiérrez

San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México
Journalism of Witness with Alfredo Corchado & Angela Kocherga

Katherine Lim

London, England and Queens
London, England and Queens, New York Manuscript Seminar with Tim MacGabhann

Kervy Robles

San Diego, California/Peru
Manuscript Seminar with Verónica Murguía

Krista Comer

Houston, Texas
Writing of Witness with Elizabeth Rosner

Lisa Coyne

Boston, Massachusetts
Manuscript Seminar with Tim MacGabhann

Miguel Torhton

Mexico City, Mexico
Seminario de Manuscritos con Verónica Murguía

Morgan Ventura

Belfast, Northern Ireland/Chicago
Writing with a Sense of Wonder

Rebecca George

Brooklyn, New York/Kerala
Journalism of Witness with Alfredo Corchado & Angela Kocherga

Sofia Aguilar

Los Angeles, California
Writing of Witness with Elizabeth Rosner

Tracy Cross

Washington, D.C.
Writing with a Sense of Wonder, with Sheree Renée Thomas

Sarah Kumari

London, UK Fiction with Sheree Renée Thomas Imagination Unbound Fellowship. I was born and grew up in London but now live in Surrey, England, where there’s more greenery and slightly

Pat Alderete

Los Angeles, California Prose Manuscript Coachingwith Jennifer Clement SANDRA CISNEROS FELLOWSHIP I was born and raised in East Los Angeles and currently live in the Highland Park area.  I was

Marxitania Ortega Flores

Mexico City Narrativacon Alberto Chimal VOZ VIVA FELLOWSHIP Soy escritora. Escribo una gran cantidad de minutas, informes, reportes y notas, además de aquellos textos que expresan mi propia voz, aunque

Hamlet Ayala

Tijuana, Mexico Poesía con Rafael Segovia LA ESCRITURA ANHELADA FELLOWSHIP Aunque nací en Guadalajara, el enamoramiento de mis padres me llevó desde Sonora y Nayarit hasta la ciudad de Tijuana,

Malvika Jolly 

Brooklyn, New York Poetry Manuscript Coaching with Keetje Kuipers DREAMING OF POETRY FELLOWSHIP I am a poet, translator and educator based in New York City. My writing explores postcolonial legacy,

Erika Said

Houston, Texas/ Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas Coaching en narrativa con Socorro Venegas PÁGINA DORADA FELLOWSHIP He vivido en más de diez ciudades mexicanas y estadounidenses, incluyendo Ciudad Juárez, El Paso, Nuevo Laredo

Benjamin Parzybok

Portland, Oregon Prose Manuscript Coaching with Jennifer Clement I’m the author of the novels Couch (two-time Indie-Next pick) and Sherwood Nation (chosen for the Silicon Valley Reads program), as well as numerous short stories

María Ramos

Dallas, Texas / Chihuahua, Mexico Journalism with Elisabeth Malkin ROBERT L. BREEN JOURNALISM FELLOW I am a local government accountability reporter at The Dallas Morning News, focusing on initiatives that

América Armenta

Culiacán, Sinaloa Journalism with Elisabeth Malkin ROBERT L. BREEN JOURNALISM FELLOW I was born and raised in Culiacán, México. I’m especially interested in covering human rights, gender and justice; I

Cristalina Parra

New York City, USA / Santiago, Chile Poesía con Rafael Segovia Cristalina Parra is a Chilean writer and researcher based in New York City. Her first poetry book, Tamabelos (2021)

Laura Rodríguez Presa

Chicago, USA Journalismwith Elisabeth Malkin TRUTHTELLER JOURNALISM FELLOW I’m a senior bilingual journalist for Chicago Tribune. Journalism is more than a job for me, it is a vocation. A passion

Joan Brooks Baker

Santa Fe, New Mexico / NYC Writing Of Witnesswith Elizabeth Rosner A photographer much of my life, I turned to writing about 12 years ago when creating my presentation of

Ivy Raff

Queens, New York Poetrywith Jennifer Clement I am the author of two poetry collections: the bilingual English/Spanish What Remains / Qué queda (Editorial DALYA, forthcoming 2023), winner of the Dolors

Juan R. Palomo

Houston, Texas / North Dakota Poetrywith Jennifer Clement Juan R. Palomo was born in North Dakota into a migrant farmworker family. He grew up in South Texas and various Midwestern

Roberto Morán Quiroz

Mexico City Narrativa con Alberto Chimal It was the 70s and I used to walk into my dad’s library, with a Bimbo bread in one hand and a coffee with

Veena Siddharth

Costa Rica / India Writing Of Witnesswith Elizabeth Rosner Movement and change are a constant in my life. I was born in Massachusetts, leaving for Canada just a few months

Mariana Rosas Giacoman

Ciudad de México Narrativacon Alberto Chimal Escritora chilanga. Nací en la Ciudad de México y llevo toda mi vida habitando entre el caos, los edificios y el tráfico. Comencé a

Erin Soros

Vancouver, Canada Prose Manuscript Coachingwith Jennifer Clement Erin Soros writes fiction, nonfiction, poetry and theory. At UTV, she will be participating in the novel consultation with Jennifer Clement to get feedback

Dahlia Aguilar

Washington, DC / El Paso, Texas Poetrywith Jennifer Clement Dahlia is an emergent writer at 52. Her unpublished poetry collection Of Medicine and Monsters is an autobiographical collection that charts

Ana Emilia Felker 

Mexico City Journalismwith Elisabeth Malkin Para mí, la escritura es una herramienta para escuchar mejor, para preguntar más, para cultivar el asombro y el titubeo. Eso intento que sea. Mientras

Quinton Okoro

North Carolina / Nigeria Poetry Manuscript Coachingwith Keetje Kuipers Recipient of the Black Writers Matter Fund I am a Black, nonbinary poet from Nigeria. I have a Bachelor’s of Arts

Nyree Abrahamian

Yerevan, Armenia / Toronto, Canada Poetry Manuscript Coaching With Keetje Kuipers I was born and raised in Toronto to Armenian parents from Lebanon. In 2007, I came to Armenia for what

Kirsten Wasson

Los Angeles, California Writing of Witness with Elizabeth Rosner I lived in Ithaca, New York, teaching literature at Ithaca College until I decided it was high time for adventure, and moved

Nina Renée Shock

Toronto, Canada / Lake Chapala, Mexico Fictionwith Sheree Renée Thomas I am from the Lower East Side of Manhattan. My mom is an artist from Brooklyn. My dad is a

Jorge Ríos

Tepoztlán, México Coaching en narrativacon Socorro Venegas Nací en Monterrey, donde estudié Derecho. Viví en Beijing y en el “lejano oeste” chino durante cuatro años en los cuales participé en

Marisol García Walls

Xalapa, Veracruz Escritura y Testimonio con Sandra Lorenzano Marisol García Walls is a Mexican writer, curator and independent researcher born in Mexico City and currently living in Xalapa, Veracruz. Her

Francisco Andrade

Cuévano, México Coaching en Narrativacon Socorro Venegas Vive en la ciudad de Cuévano donde se luchó contra los españoles. Es escritor y traficante con sueños. ​Ganador de los Premios de

Ximena Andión Ibañez

Ciudad de México, México Poesía con Rafael Segovia Orgullosamente chilanga y al mismo tiempo bicultural del lado de mi familia materna española. He vivido en varios lugares alrededor del mundo así

Rose Maldonado Schwab

Kansas City, Missouri  Writing of Witnesswith Elizabeth Rosner I am a theologian, orator, and senior minister of a congregation in Kansas City.  I write extensively for the ear and have

Roxana Arroyo

Ciudad de México, México Poesíacon Rafael Segovia Soy lectora, poeta y bailarina. Nací y crecí en la Ciudad de México, donde resido actualmente. Soy Licenciada en Letras Inglesas. Estoy interesada

Rulo Ayala

Ciudad de México, México Narrativa con Alberto Chimal Marciano, creativo, platónico. Escribo. Encuadro. ¡Acción! ¡Corte! ¡Queda! Fundador de la casa productora de cine independiente Marciano Films, director de su más reciente

Carling McManus

Charleston, West Virginia Poetry Manuscript Coaching with Keetje Kuipers I am a queer poet living on a mountainside orchard in my spouse’s home state of West Virginia. I grew up north

Andrea Arzaba

Washington DC / Mexico City Narrativacon Alberto Chimal De día soy periodista, de noche me gusta escribir ficción, sobre todo cuentos cortos. Llevo toda mi vida habitando entre volcanes y

Atenea Cruz 

Durango, México Narrativacon Alberto Chimal Aunque nací y me crié en el norte, la literatura me ha hecho cambiar de casa: estudié la licenciatura en Letras en Zacatecas y una

Linda Backiel

San Juan, Puerto Rico Prose Manuscript CoachingWith Jennfier Clements Linda Backiel has lived in San Juan, Puerto Rico, where she has practiced as a criminal defense and civil rights attorney

Romina Ruiz-Goiriena

Miami, Florida Writing of Witnesswith Elizabeth Rosner By the time my parents and grandparents were my age, they had all abandoned their homelands: survivors of World War I, the Spanish

Gina Srmabekian

Los Angeles, California Writing of Witnesswith Elizabeth Rosner Words of Witness Fellowship I am a writer whose work grapples with transgenerational trauma, memory and identity. I write from the interstice

Citlalli Villanueva

Veracruz, Ver. / New York City Poesíacon Rafael Segovia Poet, narrator and lawyer. I was born in Veracruz, Mexico and I live in New York City. I have a Bachelor

Paola Villafuerte 

Monterrey, Nuevo León  Escritura y Testimonio con Sandra Lorenzano  Soy escritora primeriza y estudiante de Letras Hispánicas del noreste de México. Mi infancia se dividió entre el pueblo ganadero de mis

Queletzú Aspra

Mexico City Journalism with Elisabeth Malkin Born and raised in Mexico City, finished a PhD in epigenetics but felt that something was missing from academic life, I changed gears and landed

Ana Martínez Casas 

Beca La Página Dorada  Oaxaca, Mexico Escritora, viajera y tarotista originalmente del Estado de Morelos. Durante ocho años, pedaleé en bicicleta por Centroamérica, navegué en velero por las Bahamas, hice

Sara Padilla

Beca Las Luciérnagas/La Voz Viva Aguascalientes, Mexico Soy historiadora y escritora. La narrativa es el género que más me apasiona desde que soy adolescente. A pesar de que, con los

Evanthia Bromiley

Grace Paley Fellowship Durango, Colorado I’m a fiction writer originally from a small island in the northernmost corner of Lake Champlain. I hold an MFA from the Warren Wilson MFA

Giselle Donají González Camacho

Beca Las Luciérnagas/Palabras que cuentan Tapachula, Chiapas Nací al sur de México entre la costa y un volcán. Quizá por eso nunca he terminado de entender de dónde soy en

Jeremiah Rhodes

Truthteller Fellowship for an Investigative Journalist Brooklyn, New York I’m a journalist and writer based in New York City. A child of parents in the military, I grew up moving

Jennifer Deleskie 

Imagination Unbound Fellowship Montreal, Canada I’m a writer based in Tiohtià:ke (Montréal), on the traditional and unceded land of the Kanienʼkehá people. Growing up in a house filled with books—LeGuin,

Roberto González

Robert L. Breen Journalism Fellow Mexico City Soy periodista de ciencia independiente radicado en Ciudad de México. Mi enfoque y pasión está en escribir sobre América Latina y el Caribe,

Tania Márquez Aragón

Beca La Escritura Anhelada Cholula, Mexico Soy poeta y artista interdisciplinaria, nacida en Puebla y residente de varias ciudades de México y Canadá en la última década. He viajado por

Sara Juliana Zuluaga García

Writing of Witness Bogotá, Colombia Nací en el Eje Cafetero de Colombia, entre montañas que unidas parecían una sola y de la que corría un río helado que nos hacía

Luis Ávila

Fiction Phoenix, Arizona Luis Ávila es un organizador comunitario, escritor, actor y productor de radio. A los 15 años, fundó una publicación juvenil en Querétaro, México, donde se desempeñó como

Iliana Vargas

Fiction Ciudad de México Nací en la Ciudad de México, pero me gusta conocer otros territorios del mundo e imaginar cómo sería mi vida ahí. Soy narradora/exploradora de los géneros

Gabriel Cortez

Poetry Oakland, California I am a poet, educator and organizer based in Oakland, California. I grew up in Maryland, Virginia, Chicago, and Los Angeles, and have lived in the Bay

Hamlet Ayala

Poetry Tijuana, Mexico Como muchos tijuanenses, llegué de otra ciudad hasta Tj para crecer asimilando desde ahí, con todos los sentidos, una vida hecha de fronteras: entre uno y otro

Jorge Francisco Mestre 

Poetry Bogotá, Colombia Soy poeta, historiador y periodista colombiano, radicado en Bogotá. Estudié la maestría en escrituras creativas de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia y más tarde publiqué dos poemarios,

Katrina Dahl Vogl

Fiction Mexico City & New York I’m a fiction writer and filmmaker from New York, currently living in Mexico City. I received my MFA in Fiction from the University of

Francesca D’Annunzio

Puente News Collaborative Fellow Austin, Texas I’m a reporter and writer based in Austin, Texas. Currently, I cover the U.S.-Mexico border and immigration for The Texas Observer, a progressive nonprofit

Maria Alvarez

Writing of Witness Queens, New York Born in the arid Andes mountains of La Paz, Bolivia, surrounded by the snowcapped peaks of the Illimani, I am the child of a

Victoria Laphond 

Robert L. Breen Fellowship for a Mexican Reporter Chihuahua, México  Cursé la licenciatura en Letras Españolas por la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua. Mi línea de trabajo principal son los derechos

Jonathan Perez Juarez

Fiction Tijuana, México Nací en Tijuana, “el lugar más feliz del mundo” según Los Simpson. Estudié Literatura de Hispanoamérica en la UABC. Formé parte de la segunda generación del diplomado

Daniel Sibaja

Fiction Mérida, México Soy escritor, editor y profesor de literatura, así como de etimologías grecolatinas. He vivido en Yucatán desde mi infancia. He publicado en varios medios digitales e impresos,

Ricardo Quiroz

Fiction Ciudad de México, México Nací en la Ciudad de México, en donde estudié literatura latinoamericana. Siempre he asumido que lo que importa de todo esto –de toda la escritura–

Dora Prieto

Poetry Vancouver & Mexico City I’m an emerging Mexican-Canadian poet, editor, and comics-maker (my second genre love) based primarily in Vancouver. Growing up between Nova Scotia, Florida, Chiapas, Guanajuato, and

Micaela Varela

Beca Solo la Verdad for a Spanish-Language Journalist Mexico City and Spain Soy periodista, nacida en Argentina, pero criada en España tras la crisis económica del corralito que desplazó a

Valeria Souza Saldívar 

Writing of Witness Ciudad de México, México Nací en la Ciudad de México, el 28 de abril de 1958, es decir que nací junto con la biología molecular y la

Nelson de Witt/Roberto Coto

Writing of Witness Boston, Massachusetts I was born in San Salvador, El Salvador, as Roberto Coto in the shadow of the Quezalatepeque Volcano and the country’s civil war. As an

Rulo Ayala

Writing of Witness Ciudad de México Marciano, creativo, platónico. Escribo. Encuadro. ¡Acción! ¡Corte! ¡Queda! Fundador de la casa productora de cine independiente Marciano Films, director de su más reciente cortometraje

Roxana Arroyo

Writing of Witness Ciudad de México Soy lectora, poeta y bailarina. En mis tiempos libres soy profesora de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y PyS, UNAM. Nací en la Ciudad

Diego Montoya

Fiction Ciudad de México, México Nací en la Ciudad de México, lugar donde actualmente resido con cierta dificultad por preferir siempre una vida retirada, los espacios abiertos y el lento

Gabriel Moseley

Fiction Seattle, Washington I’m a writer from Seattle, Washington. I enjoy many kinds of storytelling, but I particularly love stories that are enthralling, strange, lyrical and full of heart. I

Sara Khan

Investigative Journalism/OSINT Bootcamp for Reporters Brooklyn, New York I’m a longform documentary producer and journalist based in Brooklyn, New York. After moving to the US, I grew up in the

Osama Shehzad

Fiction Karachi, Pakistan I am a writer from Karachi, Pakistan, now based in Brooklyn, New York. I am currently writing a novel that explores the themes of immigration, identity and

Vikram Kapur

Fiction New Delhi, India I’m a fiction writer from India. I have published three novels—The Assassinations, The Wages of Life and Time Is a Fire. My short stories and essays

Danian Jerry

Fiction Memphis, Tennessee Danian Darrell Jerry, writer, teacher, and musician, holds a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from the University of Memphis. He is a 2020 VONA Fellow

Dahlia Aguilar

Poetry El Paso and Corpus Christi, Texas I am a Chicana educator, leadership coach and poet from El Paso and Corpus Christi, TX. I come to this year’s residency to

Lázaro Izael Rangel

Poesía Saltillo, Coahuila Nací en Saltillo, Coahuila, en 1997. Soy poeta y guionista, cursé la licenciatura en Letras Hispánicas en la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, además de un Diplomado

Daniela Mazón

Poesía Cuernavaca, Mexico Soy psicóloga clínica, instructora de yoga y escritora. Toda mi vida he radicado en Cuernavaca, sin embargo por el trabajo de mi papá crecí entre manglares y

Samira Elomari

Amsterdam, Netherlands I’ve been part of a creative writing program in Dutch since 2018 and have published a few stories in Dutch. My professional background is in medical imaging and

Christian M. Ivey

Fiction Pontiac, Michigan Christian M. Ivey (he/they), is a black nonbinary trans writer, editor, and art director from Pontiac, Michigan. Their work interrogates the mundane to illuminate how blackness is

Ladan Khoddam-Khorasani

Poetry Brooklyn, New York I am a poet, educator and public health practitioner. I am interested in how we can use poetry and language to take care of one another.