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Congratulations to the wonderful group of Volcanistas who made UTV 2024 our best year ever. We open for applications on July 1 for UTV 2025.

Congratulations to the wonderful group of Volcanistas who made UTV 2024 our best year ever. We open for applications on July 1 for UTV 2025.


  • Six master classes in your genre
  • Two half-hour individual conferences with your instructor
  • Weekly Open Mics
  • Craft talks and readings 
  • Community of the Imagination conversations
  • Weekly Volcanista gatherings and evening events 
  • Six group lunches 
  • Opening and closing celebrations

N.B. Accommodation and meals are not included

Now that the pandemic has essentially ended, we are no longer offering a virtual option.  Participants are expected to attend all six master class sessions in person and to remain in Tepoztlán for the full two-week  duration of the program. 

We regret that due to the intensive nature of the program, we are unable to accommodate family members or other guests.

All master classes will convene three times a week for three hours, either mornings or afternoons. Group lunches at noon will bring both morning and afternoon participants together for shared conversation and to build community.

A small number of participants may be permitted to audit a second master class with permission of the instructor for an additional fee. Please email us for details.

Limited partial support is available to qualified applicants (talent+need.)  If you check this option on the application you will need to upload proof of your current monthly income and expenses and describe any extenuating circumstances in your cover letter. Our resources this year are especially constrained, so we strongly encourage you to seek outside funding if accepted.

We also offer a number of full fellowships to applicants who demonstrate outstanding talent. Please see the relevant page on this site.

Our Black Writers Matter Fund and the Fondo las Luciérnagas provides financial support on a sliding scale to qualified applicants (talent + need).

We strongly encourage all Volcanistas to interact with one another across the barriers of language. English-language participants who know Spanish are a huge asset to the community.  If your Spanish is rusty, please make every effort to review and improve it prior to your arrival in Tepoztlán. 

Hacemos todo lo posible por crear un ambiente bilingüe, sobre todo en los momentos compartidos (comidas grupales, eventos especiales). Un nivel mínimo de inglés sí es necesario debido a que el inglés nos funciona como lengua compartida entre Volcanistas de varios países.  Así como alentamos a los participantes de habla inglesa a mejorar su conocimiento del español antes del inicio del programa, les pedimos a los hispanohablantes hacer lo mismo con respecto al inglés.

N.B. Los participantes en el taller de periodismo, que se da en inglés, deben de comprobar un nivel de al menos C1 en el sistema TOEFL o su equivalente.

Tepoztlán offers a range of accommodation within walking distance of the village center and all workshop venues. Prices range from roughly $40 USD to $200 US per night, including breakfast and taxes. We will provide accepted applicants a list of recommended hotels. Housing for full-fellowship recipients will be arranged and paid for by Under the Volcano.

We always hold free public events and the coming season will be no exception. Plans are already underway for public readings, and our popular Community of the Imagination conversations bring together scientists, journalists and writers to discuss some of the issues that drive creative work across the disciplines.

have more questions?

Feel free to reach out to us