UTV Master Classes
January 10-25, 2025
While specific master classes differ slightly in format, they share a common goal: to offer highly motivated writers an intensely sympathetic reading of their work, with strategic suggestions for revision. We encourage all participants to respond to each other’s work and to each other in the same spirit.
Registration for all master classes is limited to 8. Groups meet three times a week for a total of six 3-hour sessions. You will also meet at least once one-to-one with your instructor. Manuscript Coaching groups are smaller, with full manuscripts submitted no later than November 15. Coaching participants meet once as a group and then in individual sessions twice a week with your instructor.
Please choose from the menu below in making your selection. Click on each image for a full description.

with Tommy Orange
Open to writers of fiction both short and long, this master class offers a select group of novelists or short story writers the chance to share their work with accomplished peers

con Alberto Chimal
Un taller de creación nueva y puesta en escena de textos anteriores. Para cuentistas y/o novelistas.

Writing the Imagination
with Sheree Reneé Thomas
For writers of speculative fiction, short and long. Find the deep magic that makes your work sing for the reader.

con Ben Clark
En este seminario-taller indagaremos en algunas claves de la creación poética. Trabajando desde nuestros propios textos, plantearemos algunas de las claves para escribir poemas y para disfrutar más de su lectura.

with Aracelis Girmay
This two-week poetry intensive is intended for participants with work ready to share and who are ready to generate more in a spirit of generous collective critique.
Writing of Witness

Writing Of Witness
with Jennifer Clement
Open to writers with projects ranging from memoir to autobiography to texts that defy easy categorization, writing of witness is an invitation to pursue the truth in a voice more subjective than journalism but just as committed to revealing the stories of our time.

Escritura y testimonio
con Sandra Lorenzano
Para escritores con proyectos que nacen de la experiencia personal, con un alcance que llega a tocar los temas sociales implicados. Para ensayistas, cronistas, periodistas y quienes inventan formas nuevas.
Investigative Journalism

OSINT Bootcamp for Reporters/para Reporterxs
with Gisela Pérez de Acha
Our 2025 journalism master class offers early- to mid-career journalists the opportunity to sharpen the lens they bring to investigating and contextualizing climate change via a six-part introduction to open source investigative reporting.
Manuscript Coaching
Our Manuscript Coaching sessions are intended for advanced writers with drafts of book-length projects or projects close to completion. Unlike group master classes, they offer one-on-one consultations with meticulous review and guidelines for revision.

Fiction Manuscript Coaching
with Ayşegül Savaş
A small intensive format for writers with book-length projects ready for an expert eye, primarily via individual consultations. Open to both fiction and non-fiction projects.

Coaching en narrativa
con Socorro Venegas
Un taller más íntimo para escritores con libros en puerta, con una lectura a fondo mayormente a través de consultas individuales. Para proyectos de narrativa y no-ficción.
I have never felt so supported to achieve what I want. I “leave” this experience with my heart filled with joy, with my brain like a Christmas tree, full of new ideas, and with a sense that I have finally met my tribe.
María Mínguez
UTV fue un detonador de ideas y conexiones. Llegué con una idea y volví a casa con la tercera parte de un libro.
Sylvia Aguilar Zéleny
“When I was feeling overwhelmed at the sheer talent and accomplishments of the faculty, a fellow writing student said to me, “The only difference between them and us is time.”
Martha Morrison
“UTV is more than a learning experience set against a powerful landscape… it offers a mental space for creativity.”
Daniel Escoto
“UTV is the perfect getaway for writers looking to build community, participate in cross-cultural exchange, and find time and space to work on their craft.”