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>> Malvika Jolly 

Malvika Jolly 

Brooklyn, New York

Poetry Manuscript Coaching
with Keetje Kuipers


I am a poet, translator and educator based in New York City. My writing explores postcolonial legacy, hybridity, magical realism, counter-imperialisms, transnational solidarity movements, folklore, mythology and dreams. My work has been featured in Four Way Review, MIZNA, The Rumpus, Salt Hill Journal, The Best Small Fictions Anthology 2023 and others, and in programs for the Brooklyn Rail, Method Bandra, The Poetry Society of New York and The New York Foundation for the Arts.  I serve as the programs coordinator for the arts organization Tamaas | تماس, and as a senior editor for Poetry Northwest, where I direct poetry workshops and educational programming to transform racial equity in literary publishing. I also curate The New Third World, a traveling poetry reading series inspired by the Non-Aligned Movement and the history of friendship and solidarity across distance among emergent postcolonial nations.