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>> Agustín B. Ávila Casanueva

Agustín B. Ávila Casanueva

Cuernavaca Mexico


I was born in Mexico City, but I’ve been living in Cuernavaca for the past sixteen years. I came to Cuernavaca to study Genomic Sciences in UNAM, and I started as a free lance science writer since 2013. The bulk of my articles feature mexican scientist and have been published in magazines and blogs like eme equis, ¿Cómo ves?, aCércate, and Cienciorama.
Along with three other friends and collaborators we have done science communication and reporting in the form of a radio show and independent podcast called Ciencia Beat, which has just received the Nationa Journalism Prize in the Science and Culture category.
Trying to explore new ways of scicomm I have developed Ciencia Slam, a slam poetry league with a science thematic as a way to generate a science communication project that is rooted in citizen participation.
During my stay at Under the Volcano I hope to learn not only about journalism but also try to get at least a bit of the flow of the other volcanistas and faculty, to have a better grip on poetry and storytelling. And that those narratives and techniques can better inhabit within my writing.