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>> Geri Smith

Geri Smith

Washington, DC

Manuscript Seminar with Elizabeth Rosner

I spent three decades as a foreign correspondent based in Latin America, arriving fresh out of college and returning to the United States only after my children, who were born in Brazil and raised in Mexico, graduated from college themselves. I spent eight years with United Press International in Chile, Argentina and Brazil in the late 1970s and early 1980s when those countries were ruled by the military, and I chronicled their hard-fought return to democracy. After UPI went bankrupt, I freelanced from Brazil until 1992, when I was hired by Business Week magazine to be its chief correspondent for Latin America, based in Mexico City. My 18-year tenure there started with the creation of NAFTA, moved on to the Zapatista rebellion and Mexico’s economic collapse and culminated in the bloody drug war. After leaving Business Week in 2010, I moved back to the US to work at the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington, DC , handling media relations, teaching blog-writing and speechwriting courses, and organizing seminars for Latin American journalists on crime and urban development. Now I am returning to my first love, writing— specifically writing about my long love affair with Latin America and its people, including the many latinoamericanos who now live in the United States, in and out of the shadows.