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>> Mariana Riestra

Mariana Riestra

Mexico City, Mexico
Narrativa con Alberto Chimal

Mariana Riestra is a writer and editor based in Mexico City. She moved across the country with her family as a young child from Tamaulipas, just south of the Mexican border with the United States, to the capital city. Her writing focuses on narratives of the border and the effects memory has within the body. She is the editor of Chilanga , a subdivision of Chilango magazine that focuses on gender and feminism. She co-founded RUME (Red Universitaria de Mujeres Escritoras ) and currently works as an editor and manager for the project. She has published essays, reviews, short stories and two children’s books.She loves baking and hugging.

Ig: @enelcuartomenguante

Mariana Riestra es una escritora y editora que reside en la Ciudad de México. Cuando era niña se mudó con su familia de Tamaulipas, cerca de la frontera con Estados Unidos, a la capital. Su escritura se enfoca en las narrativas de la frontera y los efectos de la memoria sobre el cuerpo . Es editora de Chilanga , la subdivisión de género y femisnismo de la revista Chilango . Co- fundó la RUME (Red Universitaria de Mujeres Escritoras ) y actualmente trabaja como editora y gestora del proyecto. Ha publicado ensayos, reseñas, relatos y dos libros infantiles . Le encanta hornear y abrazar .