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>> Ellen Jones

Ellen Jones

Mexico City/UK
Literary Launchpad with Tim MacGabhann

I am a British writer, literary translator, and editor living in Mexico City. I have a PhD from Queen Mary University of London and the long overdue result is that my book, Literature in Motion: Translating Multilingualism Across the Americas , will be published by Columbia University Press during the UtV retreat. My literary translations from Spanish include Ave Barrera’s The Forgery (co-translated with Robin Myers), Bruno Lloret’s Nancy , and Rodrigo Fuentes’s Trout, Belly Up. I have almost finished battling with El rastro (English title TBC) by the extraordinary Margo Glantz (out with Charco Press in early 2023). I’m very interested in exploring the boundaries between creative writing and literary translation, and am looking forward to reading everyone else’s work across the English/Spanish divide.