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>> Carling McManus

Carling McManus

Charleston, West Virginia

Poetry Manuscript Coaching 
with Keetje Kuipers

I am a queer poet living on a mountainside orchard in my spouse’s home state of West Virginia. I grew up north of Boston, received various degrees from schools in Rennes, France, Montréal, Canada, and San Francisco, California. My poetry has appeared in Southeast Review, Pleiades, Cream City Review, Best New Poets, The Beloit Poetry Journal, among others. As a non-traditional student of poetry—I hold an MFA in Film—I have turned to workshops and conferences to connect with and learn from other writers. I’ve been fortunate enough to receive support for my work including scholarships and fellowships to Bread Loaf and the Virginia Center for Creative Arts. As a survivor of conversion therapy, I openly advocate for LGBTQ+ civil rights. I love to travel and go on road trips, despite always getting terribly, terribly carsick.