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>> Analía Ferreyra Carreres

Analía Ferreyra Carreres

Mexico City, Mexico

Fiction with Alberto Chimal

I’m the daughter of Uruguayan immigrants, the first of my family to be born in Mexico. I think of myself first as a reader, second as a writer, and somehow, maybe in the middle of both, as a teacher. I worked mostly as a travel journalist for almost 10 years, but took several detours from gourmet and fashion writing to politics and topics related to violence. Nevertheless, since I read The Never Ending Story, my first and true love has always been literature, especially in its narrative form. I studied my BA in Hispanic Literature and Language at UNAM, an MA in Literature, Culture, and Media at Lund University in Sweden, and took the creative writing program at SOGEM. I write mostly narrative fiction with a big accent on the fantastic, and journals, lots and lots of them. I’m working on my first short novel, which takes place in a planet far away from our solar system, in which all the stories that happen in that world are registered in the forest as if it were a gigantic library.

I love knitting, crocheting and dancing, and enjoy life in the company of my existential copilot, Moka, a mixed breed dog that has taught me a lot about happiness, presence and love in the nine years and a half that we have been together.