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Writing the Imagination

with Sheree Reneé Thomas

For writers of speculative fiction, short and long. Find the deep magic that makes your work sing for the reader.

Manuscript Seminars

Coaching en narrativa

con Socorro Venegas

Un taller más íntimo para escritores con libros en puerta, con una lectura a fondo mayormente a través de consultas individuales. Para proyectos de narrativa y no-ficción.

Manuscript Seminars

Fiction Manuscript Coaching

with Ayşegül Savaş

A small intensive format for writers with book-length projects ready for an expert eye, primarily via individual consultations. Open to both fiction and non-fiction projects.


OSINT Bootcamp for Reporters/para Reporterxs

with Gisela Pérez de Acha

Our 2025 journalism master class offers early- to mid-career journalists the opportunity to sharpen the lens they bring to investigating and contextualizing climate change via



con Ben Clark

En este seminario-taller indagaremos en algunas claves de la creación poética. Trabajando desde nuestros propios textos, plantearemos algunas de las claves para escribir poemas y para disfrutar



with Aracelis Girmay

This two-week poetry intensive is intended for participants with work ready to share and who are ready to generate more in a spirit of generous collective critique.

Writing of Witness

Escritura y testimonio

con Sandra Lorenzano

Para escritores con proyectos que nacen de la experiencia personal, con un alcance que llega a tocar los temas sociales implicados. Para ensayistas, cronistas, periodistas y quienes

Writing of Witness

Writing Of Witness

with Jennifer Clement

Open to writers with projects ranging from memoir to autobiography to texts that defy easy categorization, writing of witness is an invitation to pursue the truth



con Alberto Chimal

Un taller de creación nueva y puesta en escena de textos anteriores. Para cuentistas y/o novelistas.



with Tommy Orange

Open to writers of fiction both short and long, this master class offers a select group of novelists or short story writers the chance to share