Distinguished Faculty and Guest Poets
January 12 to January 28, 2024
Alongside our core poetry faculty—Jennifer Clement, Keetje Kuipers and Rafael Segovia—we were honored to welcome guest poets Homero Aridjis, Cyrus Cassells, Enriqueta Lúnez, Natalia Toledo and Javier Zamora.Thanks to a major grant from the Poetry Foundation, poetry was front and center during Under the Volcano 2024, with new opportunities for poets and special events throughout our two-week residency and beyond.
In addition to public readings featuring our distinguished core faculty and guests, we were thrilled to be able to offer two new full fellowships, one each in English and Spanish, as well as partial financial aid fund specifically for poets who write in both English and Spanish.

Poetry Master Classes and Manuscript Review
January 12 to January 28, 2024
Intimate, intensive master classes in both English and Spanish offer six poets in each language the chance to work with award-winning poets Jennifer Clement and Rafael Segovia. Participants will receive one-on-one mentoring and share new poems with accomplished peers. English-language poets with manuscripts ready for review will work with Keetje Kuipers, editor of Poetry Northwest, to prepare a book-length collection or chapbook for publication.
Two Full Fellowships:
Dreaming of Poetry and La Escritura Anhelada
Two poets in two languages: please welcome Malvika Jolly, of Brooklyn, New York, and Hamlet Ayala, of Tijuana, Mexico, recipients of full fellowships to attend Under the Volcano 2024. Fellowship winners: Malvika Jolly and Hamlet Ayala

Flor y Canto: Gala Inaugural Reading
January 13, 2024, at 4 PM
Under the Volcano 2024 kicks off with poets from across Mexico and the US reading in four languages—English, Spanish, Mixteco and Tzotzil. The lineup is nothing short of stellar. Join us in Tepoztlán at the historic Museo del Ex-Convento de Tepoztlán if you’re in Mexico!
Jueves Amorosos
January 18, 2024 and January 25, 2024, at 3 PM
This is special. Argen-Mex poet and novelist Sandra Lorenzano, who will be teaching our Writing of Witness master class in Spanish, reads Spanish-language poetry every Thursday fron wherever she happens to be, We're lucky that she'll be in Tepoztlán with us this month. If you are too you can catch her readings live at La Sombra del Sabino bookstore or find them later on Facebook.