Magda Bogin
Novelist, lyricist and literary translator Magda Bogin is UTV’s founder and director. Enjoy her exclusive interview for Under the Volcano.
Novelist, lyricist and literary translator Magda Bogin is UTV’s founder and director. Enjoy her exclusive interview for Under the Volcano.
Alberto Chimal es un prolífico novelista, escritor de relatos cortos y ensayista conocido como uno de los pioneros de la narrativa experimental y en línea de México. Conócelo más en esta entrevista exclusiva con Under the Volcano.
Sabrina Orah Mark is conducting the Fiction workshop (‘Bones of a Story’) in January of 2023. Learn more in this exclusive interview with Under the Volcano.
Emily Raboteau conducted the Literary Non-Fiction workshop in January of 2020. Learn more in this exclusive interview with Under the Volcano.
Victor LaValle joins us in 2020 as Writer in Residence, offering a Flash Master Class and taking part in our ongoing conversation about the future of memory. Get to know him in this exclusive interview with Under the Volcano.
Mexican journalist, Alejandra Xanic, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the Premio Nacional de Periodismo 1992, will lead the Investigative Journalism masterclass in Spanish. Check out her interview with Under the Volcano.
La multipremiada escritora mexicana Mónica Lavín dará el taller principal de ficción en español en enero de 2019. Conoce más acerca de ella en esta entrevista exclusiva con Under the Volcano.
Novelist Ayşegül Savaş will be the Reading Fellow of our fiction master class with Sabina Murray. Enjoy her exclusive interview for Under the Volcano.
El poeta mexicano David Huerta dará el taller principal de poesía en español en enero de 2019. Conócelo más en esta entrevista exclusiva con Under the Volcano.