Qué honor contar con la presencia de la escritora y editora Socorro Venegas para acompañar a nuestros escritores de narrativa en Under the Volcano 2024. Disfruten de esta entrevista donde comparte sus gustos y delirious literarios.
Simone Scriven (UTV 2019, journalism) has written a stunning, magisterial piece that traces the evolution of the word ecocide as a term analogous to genocide, a concept that is gradually moving into the world of international law.
Melissa Watkins (UTV 2022, Writing with a Sense of Wonder), aka Mel the Bookworm, reads deep and wide, with a collector’s eye for work that feeds her passion for science fiction and fantasy. She doesn’t just read, she reviews. Prolifically. And she writes. Also prolifically.
The award-winning speculative fiction writer and editor Sheree Renée Thomas will lead her popular master class covering science fiction, fantasy, and other expectation-defying works of the imagination at UTV 2024. Enjoy this exclusive interview with Under the Volcano.
The Poetry Coaching session at UTV 2024 will be led by poet and editor Keetje Kuipers. She unfolds her take on reading and writing poetry in this exclusive interview with Under the Volcano.
Mexican journalist Diego Courchay (UTV (2018 Robert L. Breen Fellow) is now an associate editor for the Delacorte Review, a joint project of the Columbia School of Journalism and the Delacorte Center.
You don’t get a review like this every day. According to Kirkus Review, Brittany Means (UTV, 2021), has written “a harrowing and soulful memoir to be read, savored, and reread.”
The journalism master class at UTV 2024 will be led by award-winning journalist Mariane Pearl. Check out this exclusive interview with Under the Volcano.