Deborah Blum
Director, Knight Science Writing Program, MIT Guest presenter, UTV 2021. Acclaimed science journalist, Pulitzer Prize-winning author, and co-editor of A Field Guide for Science Writers.
Karla Maria Gutierrez
Robert L. Breen Journalism Fellow, UTV 2022. Based in San Cristóbal, Chiapas, Karla María covers migration, human trafficking, gender issues and freedom of expression in print and online.
Victor LaValle joins us in 2020 as Writer in Residence, offering a Flash Master Class and taking part in our ongoing conversation about the future of memory. Get to know him in this exclusive interview with Under the Volcano.
Mexican journalist, Alejandra Xanic, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the Premio Nacional de Periodismo 1992, will lead the Investigative Journalism masterclass in Spanish. Check out her interview with Under the Volcano.
La multipremiada escritora mexicana Mónica Lavín dará el taller principal de ficción en español en enero de 2019. Conoce más acerca de ella en esta entrevista exclusiva con Under the Volcano.
El poeta mexicano David Huerta dará el taller principal de poesía en español en enero de 2019. Conócelo más en esta entrevista exclusiva con Under the Volcano.