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>> Benjamin Parzybok

Benjamin Parzybok

Portland, Oregon

Prose Manuscript Coaching
with Jennifer Clement

I’m the author of the novels Couch (two-time Indie-Next pick) and Sherwood Nation (chosen for the Silicon Valley Reads program), as well as numerous short stories which can be found in venues such as Apex MagazineStrange HorizonsLightspeed MagazineWest Branch, and The Bellevue Literary Review.  Among other projects, I founded Gumball Poetry, a literary journal published in gumball capsule machines, co-ran Project Hamad, an effort to free a Guantanamo inmate (Adel Hamad is now free), and co-run Black Magic Insurance Agency, a one-night city-wide alternative reality game. I can be found at and @sparkwatson (in the ruins of Twitter) and @[email protected] (in the newly founded metropolis where hope springs eternal). His website is a game in which you, if you wish, may fight the author in battle. No hard feelings though. Here is a peace offering.