Honor Roll

We are grateful to the following individuals, families, foundations, sponsors and hosts for helping us nurture and promote talented poets, fiction writers, writers of witness and journalists selected for their powerful work.
Donations to our scholarship fund enable us to bring together and subsidize accomplished and emerging writers from across the English and Spanish-speaking worlds. All contributions are tax-deductible
Kristina Andersson
Adalberto Ortiz Ávalos
Lisa Barlow & Alan Towbin
Gregory H. Blaine
Family of Robert L. Breen
Sandra Cisneros
Family of La Güera Trigos
Elizabeth Madigan Jost
Arlene McKay
October Mountain Foundation
Pixley Hill Foundation
The Poetry Foundation
Dan & Sue Real
Susan Plum
Susan Stevens & Hugh Fremantle
Paul Swanson
Nadia Zilkha
Flora Botton
Pat Coatsworth
June Erlick
Marco Antonio Gil & Adelfa Zorrilla
Denise Kahn
Paul Muldoon
Blanca Urzeta O’Leary and Cav O’Leary
Barbara Sibley
Ann Folwell Stanford
Dorothy Wick
Grover Wickersham
Graciela Arenal
Tyrone Beason
Jane Berkey and The Jane Rotrosen Agency
Stephanie Clohesy
Uma & Gerson da Cunha
Natalie Drache
Nely Galán & Galán Entertainment
Ian Golub
Germaine Gómez Haro
Charlie Hall & Rose Ann Hall Designs
Ilya Kaminsky
JP Morgan
Annalee Newitz
Fuat Savas
Valeria Souza
Karen & Luis Stephens
Ginger Thompson
Friends of Under the Volcano
Joan Ades
Susan Ades
Valerie Bernstein
Deborah Blum
Janet Brof
Florence Buchanan
Bell Chevigny
Annie Fenn
Betty Fussell
Sophia Garney
Pattie Hogan
Ilya Kaminsky
Shaler & Lidia Ladd
Lynne & Luis Mijangos
María Nóbrega
Michael Scammell & Rosemary Nossif
Jimmy Roberts
Daniel Shapiro
Gerald Weaver
Rosemary & Noel Werrett
Claire Whittaker
Ivanova Aguilar
Khaldun Ahmad
Electa Arenal
Jean Bleich
Janet Brof
John Burnstein
Blyth Carpenter
Ellen Cassedy
Deborah Casillas
Margaret Carson
Pat Davis
Pat Duffy
Elaine Edelman
Connie Emmerich
Annie Fenn
Martin Friedman
Cliff Garstang
Ed Glass
Andy Greenberg
Jessica Hagedorn
Alice Kandell
Kathleen Konigsberg
Devi Laskar
Judith Levi
Saraswathi & Krishna Menon
Martha Morrison
Patrick Noonan
Sara Núñez
Tess O’Dwyer
Maysoon Pachachi
Phil Palladino
Pamela Powell
Jeanie Ridolphi
Susan Rollins
Nelly Rosario
Dianne Romain
David & Joan Rubin
Harvey Sachs
Marc Schenker & Xochitl Castaneda
Herb Schreier
Dyani Taff
Susana Villalba
Enid Zuckerman
Artistas Del Alma
Rafael Cauduro
Elena Climent
Marité Fernández
Cisco Jiménez
Perla Krauze
Mónica Lozano
Toby Old
Juanita Pérez Adelman
José González Veites
Local Hosts
Doug Clark & Janet Dawson
Bridget & Alberto Estavillo
Viviana García Besne & Alistair Tremps
Laura Garibay and Steve Rothenberg
Pattie Hogan
Adriaan & Anneke de Monchy
Eduardo Olbés & María Vinós
Nancy Rocha
Sheila Urquidi
Black Writers Matter Fund
We are immensely grateful to the visionary donors who have stepped forward to help us launch the Black Writers Matter Fund. Under the Volcano is more committed than ever to recruiting and supporting talented Black writers to attend our programs and to providing mentoring for ongoing professional development.
Please see our Statement on Racism in the Countries We Love, published in response to the murder of George Floyd in May, 2020.
Inaugural Donors
Founding Donor: Greg Blaine
Joan Ades
Tyrone Beason
Annie Fenn
Chris Hanson-Nelsen
Keetje Kuipers
Elizabeth Madigan Jost
Robin Myers
Amy Newell
Susan Plum
Jeanie Ridolphi
Nelly Rosario
Ann Stanford
Alan Towbin
Sheila Urquidi
Dorothy Wick
Our Partners