Gisela Pérez de Acha

Climate change is arguably the not-so-hidden force behind migration, human trafficking and the new colonialism of multi-nationals seeking control over threatened natural resources. It is not a separate story but one profoundly linked to the cutting-edge issues of our time.
In that light, our 2025 journalism master class offers early- to mid-career journalists from Mexico, the US and elsewhere the opportunity to sharpen the lens they bring to investigating and contextualizing climate change via a six-part introduction to open source investigative reporting. This includes targeted Boolean search, corporate investigations, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), AI tools, network analysis and internet archiving.
Led by the dynamic Mexican reporter and journalism professor Gisela Pérez de Acha, who pioneered a program on digital forensics at UC Berkeley’s Investigative Reporting Program and Human Rights Center, this two-week intensive expects each participant to complete a 2000-word pitch for a publishable piece or a polished blueprint for a investigative longer work. En route oped’s will also be encouraged.
With support from the family of Robert L. Breen, a parallel track to this master class brings distinguished guest reporters and editors to Tepoztlán for conversations on crucial aspects of investigative journalism. Confirmed guests for the coming session include long form journalist Anjan Sundaram and Washington Post Mexico bureau chief Mary Beth Sheridan.